March 21, 2006

How Does One Become Furloaded?

So I guess I've never explained what I do. For a job, that is. I've never explained it because it is embarrassing. I have degrees in History and Political Science; I gradutated with a 3.96 GPA; I have experience in a variety of fields... yet a woman who has what she calls "a degree in paralegal" is my boss.

I work for a law firm, and I work for the Collections Department. Our clients are big ol' banks and other financial institutions, and we sue people who aren't paying them. I try to find people who keep moving in order to avoid creditors; I call people to try to get them to pay us; I am that harassing voice some of you may hear on your answering machine. I try to find out where people work so that we can garnish their wages.

It should go without saying that this job is awful and soul-sucking and I hate it. I officially work for The Man. I hate myself for doing this. I hate myself for making the excuse that at least I get an OK paycheck and maybe these people should just pay their bills because I don't have a cellphone or HBO so why do they feel entitled to these extras when they have $20,000 debts that aren't being paid? That's just justification, though, isn't it? And it's not even convincing.

Anyway, here is the latest example of the genius that is my supervisor (this is from the notes she wrote in someone's account; all spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are hers):

"Called Debtor verified add she is not working was delta employee but get furloaded and is currently unemployed w/for unemployment and should be getting severans pay, Said hopes to send in 500.00"

In the section where we enter the person's employer, she wrote "Severans."


metanephros at 2:20 pm

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