February 15, 2006

Snot Suckers

Perhaps if I am to make a go of this diary thing, I should post something more often than once every two years.

I'm just saying is all.

At the moment, I'm just trying to avoid work. Work is hateful and vile...in its present form, at least. I am miserable and feeling its physical effects, but I can't bring my lazy ass to venture out and try something else.

I thought that working at home would help... I'm by myself! No one can annoy me! I don't have to put up with anyone's chit-chat and nose-blowing and snot-sucking and bad music and loud talking and laughing-at-the-not-funny-and-often-racist-jokes!

Yeah, I'm still getting that stuff, but long distance. At least I have a cat on my lap while I'm pulling my hair out. She's happy...she's purring. She doesn't have 27 unread email messages in her Inbox.


metanephros at 4:17 pm

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