February 21, 2006

That Red Sash Is Sexy

Mr. Meta and I went to an awesome wedding in DC on Saturday. Since moving back to the DC area, it was my first chance to see all of my old friends and really be me again. These are some smart, funny ladies.

The wedding itself was nice; the ceremony was funny, not exactly "awww"-inspiring but sweet. There was none of the father-daughter-dance, cake-cutting, garter-throwing stuff that you normally see (and hate) at weddings. In fact, there was no cake...there was pie. And lots of it. Mr. Meta gave my very elegantly dressed friend Amber a rather large serving fork, and she proceeded to use it to eat her pie while the wedding photographer took a million pics of her, up-close paparazzi-style. I guess you had to be there (and be drunk), but I laughed so hard I actually gagged.

Mr. Meta also stole Amber's red velvet sash and was walking around with a bottle of champagne in one hand and an espresso cup in the other. The groom at one point commented, "Now I'm heterosexual, but I'm about to go Brokeback on his ass. He is sexy."

For some reason, my brother's CRAZY ex-girlfriend was there. She also happens to be the ex-girlfriend of the groom. My brother also married the same woman the groom dated after said crazy chick. No, I don't get it either.I had forgotten how absolutely insane she is. She was wearing a scarf she had sewn together from potholders (not crazy in itself, and I certainly appreciate a finely knitted garment, but on her....not so much). She made me quite nervous. She also hopped into the passenger seat of my car when we left the wedding. I don't know.

The highlight of the evening, I think, was when my friend Maura, in an effort to prove that upon being properly measured for the first time she was upgraded from a 34B to a 32D, removed her bra at the table and Mr. Meta put it on. Maura then stuffed it in her purse.

Ah, it's good to be back.


metanephros at 10:49 am

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