February 17, 2006

Sarah and TWoP

I am such a fanboy. I'm way too excited.

So as a late Valentine's Day present, Mr. Meta took me to see Sarah Vowell for a reading, Q&A, and booksigning. She was late because her train lost power, but she talked to the auditorium over the phone (!) about having to switch to a "Rescue Train" to get to D.C. I felt terrible for her that she had to go through three hours of nightmare travel (while feeling sick), then rush to the auditorium and read to us without even resting - and taking questions from us over the phone on the way. She rocks.

She was great and funny and engaging and so sweet for being such a pessimist and misanthrope. She also mentioned TWoP, which I could not believe. It was like...two obsessions collide. The best part was that when she mentioned it, several people clapped, then the clappers all looked around to see who else was clapping. Awesome.

So then when she signed my books I was a complete dork, all stumbling over myself because I love her so much. I asked her if she ever posts on TWoP, and she said no, but she said that she's always surprised by how well-written the posts are. She does read the recaps.

I "heart" Sarah Vowell. I want to be that cowboy.


metanephros at 8:44 am

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