April 11, 2006


I don't know WHAT is going on anymore. My boss called me and said that the firm is having a party for my department next Thursday, and they're flying me out and putting me up in a hotel for the night so that I can attend. This is not a major party; this is an appetizer-and-drinks-for-two-hours-on-a-Thursday-night-after-work deal. This is a firm that cares not one iota about employee recognition, and suddenly they're spending $457.10 to fly me to Providence for cocktail hour? And booking me a room at The Westin? I don't get it. If they were bringing me there to fire me, surely I would be flying Southwest and staying at the Comfort Inn.

So while I had my boss on the phone, I asked him if he had been avoiding me vis-a-vis my raise. He said that he figured we should do my review in person because that was more "respectful" and "personal." Huh? Whazzat? Is this the same person who wanted to do my review by leaving me a voicemail message? He also said my raise would be retroactive to November. This would be nice, since I just dropped a RIDICULOUS 2 grand on a 10 year-old cat to find out she does NOT have cancer. I'm sure glad she's OK and I can stop crying now, but I sure could use that raise now, thanks.
But I'm still looking for a new job.

I am so not looking forward to seeing these obnoxious douchebag co-workers of mine, but at least there will be alcohol to numb the effect of my supervisor's bleached-out Super Hair of the Eighties and her greasy-assed orange-tinted heavily made-up face. I swear, I would have thought she was hot shit in 1987 as I stood outside my junior high school trying to sneak in a smoke before the bell rang. THAT's when her stirrup pants and shiny purple shoulder-padded blazers (with matching eye shadow, thank you) would have made me seethe with jealousy rather than nausea.

The only person I'm looking forward to seeing is my friend J. In an office of over 100 people, she is the ONE with a brain and a sense of humor, and some maturity... and she's 20 years old. It's sad, really. Her major malfuncion this week was an ingrown coochie hair that grew to the size of a pea. I'm so happy we can share these things. The best part is that she went to the doctor to make sure there was nothing majorly wrong with her, and he told her to put a raw potato on it to draw out the hair. Can you even freaking imagine? I love the thought of her boyfriend coming home and finding her lying on the couch, studying for an exam and holding a potato on her "business."

Oh... was I just writing about someone's maturity?


metanephros at 1:17 pm

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