June 30, 2006


Dear CD,

Thanks for putting up with me for ten years. TEN YEARS! Sure, we�ve only been married for four, but that�s not what matters.

Thanks for listening to my many and varied complaints and for understanding that I. Hate. Everyone.

Thanks for handling my mood swings, bouts of depression and self-doubt, and general surliness without getting fed up or punching me.

Thanks for making me laugh every day � even when I�m laughing at you.

Thanks for being the one person in the world who makes me feel like maybe I�m not such a misfit after all � or maybe that we�re both misfits, which is OK too.

Thanks for being the guinea pig for my food "experiments."

Thanks for being the best friend I�ve ever had, and for being absolutely the only person who really "gets" me. When I met you, I suddenly felt a lot less lonely.

Thanks for watching Showgirls, like, once a month.

Thanks for catering to my whims � for instance, when I just absolutely need ice cream or french fries or coffee or homemade methamphetamines or some other such nonsense at 2 am.

Thanks for ten years of increasingly hot sex. Thanks for having that dimple and those long eyelashes and those freckles and that big fucking ass.

Thanks for making me realize that I don�t have a cold, black heart after all.

Thanks in advance for not making fun of the cheesy sentimentality of this entry.

Happy Anniversary.




metanephros at 3:33 pm

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